Ka sel suvel käisime Valge Daami päevadel Haapsalus. Ja kuna ma varem polnud Haapsalu raudteejaama sattunud, siis nüüd sai ka see viga parandatud. Vanadel rongidel turnimine oli konkurentsitult parim osa päevast :)
We visited the White Lady Festival in Haapsalu this year as well. I also went to the old railway station of Haapsalu because for some weird reason I hadn't been there before. Climbing on old trains was definitely the highlight of the day :)
Москвич 2140. Ka meil oli kunagi selline. Ülilahe auto muidu :)
// We had one of these as well. A very cool car, I must say :)
Alphaville - Dance with me