Proovisin ka kuulsa "freelensingu" ära. Eks see (ilmselgelt) vajab veel harjutamist, kuid senised paar katsetust mulle täitsa meeldivad. Kasutasin selleks Industar 50 objektiivi (mis pole selle "žanri" jaoks küll ideaalne, aga ajab asja ära). Kel huvi selle kohta lähemalt lugeda, siis "freelensing" või "lens whacking" märksõnadega on google'is selle kohta palju õpetusi oma ala professionaalidelt, asjahuvilisele kindlasti põnev katsetus.
Some evening photos taken on the roof of Linnahall. The wind was strong (way too strong for my lightweight tripod). For that reason I couldn't really get a good clear shot, everything was shaky :D
I also tried out freelensing. It needs practice (obviously), but I quite like those few shots that I've taken using this method. The lens that I used was Industar 50 (which is not ideal for this "genre"...but it'll do). You can read more about the instructions/tutorials from industry professionals by googling "lens whacking" or "freelensing".