Hoolimata sellest oli ringkäik Ida-Eestisse taas ainult positiivne ja lõbus. Nii seltskonna kui külastatud kohtade poolest. Nagu alati, oleks veel nii palju olnud näha ja teha, aga kahe päevaga igale poole paraku lihtsalt ei jõua. Käisime läbi Narva-Jõesuust, Narvast, Sillamäelt, Sinimägedest ning Toilast. Suurem osa pilte on tehtud juba katkise objektiiviga ning mõneti on näha pildi äärtes tumedaid laike. Samuti avaldas see mõju üldisele säriaja, teravuse jms sätetele.
It has finally happened, my trusty 9 year old Nikkor lens fell on the asphalt. Miraculously the body is fine and the lens itself is not completely into pieces, but taking photos with it is no longer possible. Plan A is to take it to a repair shop and possibly buy something new (or second hand) to replace it, just in case. About time, I think, because it has been my main and most used lens for all these years and after everything it has been through, the lens had already started to show its wear.
Despite this unfortunate accident, trip to Eastern-Estonia was positive and fun both in company and in the experience itself. As usual, there was not enough time to go everywhere, so there is more reason to go back someday. We went to Narva-Jõesuu, Narva, Sillamäe, Sinimäed and Toila. Most photos here were taken with an already broken lens and you can see a dark shadow in the corners in some photos. The damage could also be seen when setting the exposure, in clarity/sharpness etc.
See hoone on viimane, mis sai jäädvustatud terve objektiiviga // Photo of this building was taken moments before the lens fell to the ground