Sellegipoolest oli äärmiselt huvitav seda linnakut oma silmaga viimaks näha. Kui mõelda, kui suurt vaeva on kunagi ehitamisel nähtud ja kui palju seal kunagi inimesi oli, siis on kergelt kõhe vaadata seda kõike lihtsalt lagunemas. Hoonetel oleks suurt potentsiaali olnud, kuid tundub, et praegusel hetkel on vähemalt osade päästmiseks juba liiga hilja. Nagu giid ütles, siis nüüd elutsevad seal vaid kassid, jänesed ja rebased.
Peale Kreenholmi käisime ka Narva bastionites, mille tuur on küll venekeelne, kuid võimalik on saada kaasa tutvustava audioga pihuseade (audio kestab kokku umbes pool tundi). Bastionites on võrdlemisi külm ning poolt tundi me vastu siiski ei pidanud 😀 Seega kui kellelgi on külastus plaanis, tasuks soojemalt riidesse panna.
Kui juba idas olla, siis pidi ka Sillamäelt läbi käima ning seekord saime nautida renoveeritud alleed täies ilus. Tee peale jäi ka Valaste juga, mille vaateplatvorm pole jätkuvalt kasutuskõlbulik, kuid see-eest lähenesime nüüd veidi teise nurga alt ja saime viimaks täisvaates kaadri kätte 😊
This year the famous Kreenholm factory/island has opened its doors for guests, but unfortunately you can't explore the area by yourself. Every Sunday at 12PM there are guided tours both in Estonian and Russian. The whole tour is about 1,5 hours and the ticket costs 10 euros per adult. Sadly, the most well known buildings are too dangerous to go in (I guess), so there are just a few smaller buildings where you are actually allowed to go in. The weather was nice for a long walk - nice breeze, not too warm, sunny...but on the other hand the harsh sunlight made it quite a challenge for photographing just about everything. Midday Sun created different light in every corner, so it took a while to try and choose decent settings. And don't get me started on post processing - that itself took forever! I'd recommend visiting Kreenholm in autumn, when the dying nature and gloomy weather add an interesting touch, a fitting feeling for the decaying surroundings. Our tour was quite crowded as well, so the photographers out there, be prepared to be quick, run ahead or wait (unless you want many people in your photos) 😉
Nonetheless it was a very nice trip and it was interesting but sad at the same time to see many people's hard work just falling apart. This whole area was full of life at some time and the buildings had so much potential for renovation. As the tour guide said, nowadays only cats, rabbits and foxes live here.
After Kreenholm we also visited Bastions of Narva. The tours for that are in Russian, but others can have a handheld audio device (about 30 minutes of stories). Be warned, it's quite cold down there, so definitely bring a jacket with you!
And once in the east, Sillamäe is a must, especially now that the path towards the sea is reconstructed. On our way we also visited Valaste waterfall. No luck in going on the bridge (still not safe), but at least this time around we got a good shot from the other side 😊
Kuskil Valaste joa lähedal // Somewhere near the Valaste waterfall
Põnevad kivikonstruktsioonid, meri ja...plastikpudel // Interesting mini Stonehenge, sea and...a plastic bottle
Valaste juga. Sild on jätkuvalt suletud ohtliku konstruktsiooni tõttu // Valaste waterfall. The bridge is still closed due to its poor state
Boonussirel 😊// A bonus lilac