*Download* Lightroom 5 presets - pack of 3

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Vajuta pildile ja tõmba alla. Eelnevad Lightroomi presetid leitavad, kui vajutad postituse all olevat preset märksõna, avad vasakpoolsest tulbast märksõnapilve või sirvid mu Deviantarti veebi.
Clickity-click on the photo to download. You can find previous presets by clicking on the preset label, using the sidebar cloud or by visiting my Deviantart page.

Minu toataimed // My house plants

Monday, August 19, 2019

Kolmas postitus seerias "mulle meeldib". Kui eelnevad jutud on olnud kelladest ja vinüülidest, siis nüüd on järg taimede käes. Spetsiifiliselt toataimede, sest suurem asi aiapidajat minust ei ole. Rõdul kasvavad till, petersell ja basiilik, aga sellega mu praegune rohenäpundus piirdub.
Iga pildi all on lähemalt juttu, millega tegemist ja kuidas ma nende eest hoolitsen.
Kuna iga taim on siiski erinev, siis tõmbasin telefoni Plant care reminder rakenduse. Saad oma taimedest pildi teha ning ära märkida, mitme päeva tagant ta kastmist/piserdamist/väetamist vajab. Lisaks on rakendusel ka talverežiim, mis laseb individuaalsed talvised kastmisgraafikud sisestada. Mugav vidin, kui detailid meeles ei püsi. Hoiab ära "kas ma teda 2 päeva tagasi just ei kastnud...?" kahtlused. Digi-nuti-iga asja jaoks äpp võib küll tunduda ideaalse lahendusena, kuid lõppkokkuvõttes tuleks kindlasti oma taimi jälgida ning otsuseid kastmise jm osas teha hetkeolukorrast lähtuvalt.
Ostupisik ei ole siiski vaibunud ja vahel on vaja poes huvipakkuvat taime tuvastada (tihtipeale ei ole nime kirjas). Seetõttu on kasulikuks osutunud ka Plantneti rakendus, mis taime pildi põhjal tuvastab. Täiuslik ta kindlasti ei ole (näiteks siinset esimest taime ta ei leidnud), aga abiks ikka.
Kes Redditi maailmaga kursis on, siis https://reddit.com/r/plantclinic/ võib samuti ühel hetkel ära kuluda. Pildista või räägi oma murest ning kodused taimefanatid üritavad oma nõu jagada.
Sõbranna soovitusel sai tellitud ka mulla pH ja niiskustaseme mõõtmise vidin. Kui see viimaks postiga kohale jõuab, saan loodetavasti veel parema pildi, mis seisus taimed on või mida võivad lisaks vajada.
Third entry in the series of "Things I like". After previous posts about vinyl records and watches, it's now time to talk about plants. Specifically about house plants because I'm not much of a green thumb in the garden. I grow dill, parsley and basil on the balcony but that's as far as I go.
Under every photo there is a small description about the plant and how I take care of it.
Since every plant is different, I downloaded a Plant care reminder app to my phone. You can take photos of your plants and enter individual grooming plans (+ a winter schedule) about watering, spraying and fertilizing them. Such a handy thing when you can't remember the details when you last watered or took care of your plant. In the modern day and age of everything being smart and having an app for every single task, it seems like you can't go wrong with taking care of your plants...But in the end plants are living beings and sometimes act unpredictably, so you should definitely check the state of your plant before blindly trusting the app.
I'm still itching to buy more and sometimes I need to identify the plants in the store (if there is no description), and for that I got a Plantnet app. It's quite good, but not perfect because it failed to identify the first plant mentioned in this post.
For those familiar with the world of Reddit, there's https://reddit.com/r/plantclinic/. Take a photo of your troubled plant and describe the issue you're having, and other plant enthusiasts try and help you out.
As a recommendation by my friend, I ordered a device to measure the pH and the moisture level of the soil. I hope to have a better picture of the state and needs of my plants, when it finally arrives.

Tundmatu taim, mis saadud kingituseks. Olen proovinud otsida nii appide kui tavapärase Google'i abiga, aga päris õiget vastust polegi saanud. Mõned niivõrd-kuivõrd sarnased isendid on küll "kahtlusalused" (Peperomia), kuid osad detailid välisel vaatlusel ei ühti. Senimaani elab ja elutseb hästi ning on kõvasti kasvanud võrreldes ta esialgse suurusega. Naudib valgusküllast kasvukohta ja mõõdukat kastmist. Paraku ei tea, kas tegemist on ripptaimega või kasvab ta niisama laiustesse.
Unknown plant that I got as a gift. I've tried to identify it with apps and by doing the usual Google search but so far without any luck. I've found some results that look quite similar in pictures (Peperomia for instance), but some details seem a bit off. It seems to enjoy its location (lots of light) and my watering schedule, but I would still like to know how big it will grow or is it maybe even a hanging plant.

Ostetud suvel ja ilmselt pikka pidu selle lopsaka rohelisusega selleks hooajaks enam ei ole. Kurkumil on ilusad roosad õied ning ta juurt on Indias aastasadu kasutatud. Tegemist on talvituva taimega, mis augustis peaks oma lehed maha viskama ning seejärel on juur vaja panna pimedasse kohta kevadet ootama. Kuna ma seda protsessi pole veel läbi teinud, siis on paras ootusärevus, kas mu taim talve üle elab ja tuleval kevadel uuesti õide lööb.
I bought curcuma this summer and it's probably living its last month or two with luscious greenery. In full bloom it has beautiful pink blossoms and its root has been used in India for centuries. It's a hibernating plant, which means that in August it should lose all of its leaves and then you're supposed to put the root in a dark place. And in spring you should put it in soil again. We'll see, I haven't done this process before so it's all new to me. But I really do hope that I don't mess something up and it will blossom next year again.

Tillandsia xerographica
Ostetud Valgast sel suvel, õhutaim. Teoorias peaksid õhutaimed olema äärmiselt vastupidavad ja vähenõudlikud, kuid sellest hoolimata on 2 neist minu käe all siiski sussid püsti visanud. Esimene oli saadud kingituseks ning pidas vastu 2 aastat. Teine veetis väga suure osa oma elust vannitoas, mis aga siiski polnud kõige sobivam kasvukoht. Seega täiesti loodusliku valguseta kohta neid panna ei tasu.
Vett annan iga kahe nädala tagant.
Bought in Valga this summer, air plant. In theory, air plants should be very resilient and not demanding but despite that 2 of them have managed to die anyway. The first one was a gift and was good for 2 years. The other one spent the majority of its life in the bathroom which turned out not to be the best location for it. From my unfortunate experience, I wouldn't put air plants into a room without any natural light.
I water it every two weeks.

Calathea Crocata (kollane tiigerlehik) + Calathea Rufibarba
Mu absoluutsed lemmikud. Crocata (tagumine) oli esimene suurem taim, mis sai ostetud ja võlus mind esimesest silmapilgust. Ta lehed on tumerohelised ning lehtede alumine pool on lillaka tooniga. Lisaks sellele on tal õitsemisperioodil oranžid õied. Minu taim elas just üle oma kõige aegade suurima madalseisu, kus tekkis täitsa hirm, kas temast enam elulooma on. Ei tea, kas vahepealsed temperatuurikõikumised või liigne/vähene niiskus hakkas teda häirima. Veebist abi otsides toodigi välja: "taim saab kas liiga palju või liiga vähe vett" - üsnagi polaarne vastasseis. Lõikasin ära kõik vähegi surevad lehed ning seetõttu ta selline hõredake hetkel ka välja näeb. Katsetan ta kastmist destilleeritud veega, sest Google'i sõnul on ta vee (ja tuuletõmbuse) osas väga tundlik. Tahaks loota, et ta suudab mingi hetk uuesti ka õisi toota, kuid praegu on kõige olulisemaks taastumine.
Praegune lahinguplaan on teda kord nädalas kasta, kuid veega piserdada iga päev. Crocata kriisiaeg oli ka üheks inspiratsiooniks, miks tahtsin seda postitust kirjutada - ehk otsib keegi kunagi abi ja kui mu tiigerlehik eluvaimu uuesti leiab, siis saab siit mingitki nõu, mida ja kuidas.
Rufibarba - võrdlemisi uus ost ja hetkel veel vaatame, kuidas ja mis talle siin praktikas meeldib (teooriat on loetud küll). Lehtede värvi poolest sarnane Crocatale ning see oli ka üks põhjus, miks see minuga poest kaasa tuli. Kastan umbes 2 korda nädalas ja veega piserdan iga päev.
Pildi parema valgustuse jaoks tõstsin mõlemad kardina tagant välja, kuid üldiselt varjan neid otsese päikesevalguse käest.
My absolute favorites. Crocata (in the background) was the first bigger plant that I bought and it was definitely love at first sight. Its leaves are deep dark green and the underside has a purplish hue. In addition to beautiful leaves, it also has orange blossoms when in bloom. My plant just survived the biggest crisis of its life so far, and I wasn't even sure whether it would pull through or not. Uncertain, if it was because of the temperature fluctuation or because of its soil being too damp/dry. When I searched the web for answers it gave this exact reason - it either gets too much or too little water. Total polar opposites, can't really think much of that. I cut off everything that seemed without a hope and that's why it looks a bit sparse. I'm testing to water it with distilled water because according to Google it's very water (and draft) sensitive. I sure hope that some day it will be able to produce new blossoms as well but the main goal right now is just to get better. Current battle plan is to water it once a week and spray every day. Crocata's crisis was one the reasons why I wanted to write this entry. Maybe someday someone is also looking for help and they'll find something useful from my personal experience and tests.
Rufibarba - a relatively new purchase and we're still testing what works the best for it in practice (I've read the theory). Color of the leaves is quite similar to Crocata and it's one of the reasons that drew me to it. I water it about 2 times a week and spray every day.
For the sake of a better photo, I took them both out from behind the curtain, but in general they prefer to stay out of direct sunlight.

Ostetud sügisel mõne õiega, mis ta õigepea küll kaotas. Talveks jäid alles ainult lehed ja midagi erilist ma temaga ei teinud peale kastmise (kui meelde tuli). Asukoht on kogu aeg sama olnud (idapoolne aken) ning kevadel, kui rohkem valgust tekkis, puhkes ta päris võimsalt õide. Sellisena ongi ta nüüd püsinud mitu head kuud ja alles sel nädalal hakkasid mõned õied viimaks maha kukkuma. Üldiselt üritasin ka temaga mingit kastmisgraafikut teha ja praegu on toiminud klaasike vett kord nädalas. Orhideesid rohkem võtta ei plaani, nad on küll ilusad (ei tekitanud hoolitsusel ka erilist peavalu), aga näevad nii õrnakesed välja ja hetkel pole rohkem ka sobivat pinda, kus nad võiks elutseda.
Bought in autumn with just a few blossoms which it lost soon after. During the whole of winter it just had leaves and I watered it whenever I remembered. Location has stayed the same throughout (window facing the East) and in spring it blossomed quite successfully. It has stayed this way for many months now and it only just this week started to lose some of its blossoms. I also enforced a watering schedule which was a glass (or so) once a week. Even though it hasn't given me any trouble yet, I don't plan to get any more orchids. They look nice, but seem so fragile at the same time. In addition, I just don't have a suitable place for new ones as well.

Unknown + Tillandsia ionatha
Tagataustal esimesel pildil olnud tundmatu taime üks ära kukkunud osa. Pistsin ta tavalisse mulda (vist juba kevadel) ja kastan umbes sama tihti kui emataime. Senimaani pole kasvu väga palju juurde tulnud, aga lehed on rohelised ja elu näib olevat.
Teine õhutaim, mis on xerographicaga samal ajal ostetud. Kastmise osas toimetan kõigi õhutaimedega sarnaselt.
In the background is a part that broke off the unknown plant. I put it in soil this spring and water it as often as its mother plant. It hasn't taken off in growth so far, but it does look alive and green, so...I'll keep it up.
The other air plant was bought at the same time as xerographica. I water all my air plants at the same time, so nothing new with this one.

Unknown succulent + Tillandsia cyanea
Esimene ostetud juba mõned aastad tagasi üpris pisikese taimena ning seejärel istutatud ümber praegusesse potti. Suuremaks pole mitme aasta jooksul kasvanud, kuid väsimuse märke samuti ei märka. Hetkel ma pigem eelistangi, et ta sellise suurusega on ja ei plaani teda suuremasse potti panna - muidugi kui ilmneb märke, et ta pole enam oma kasvukohaga rahul, siis leiame teise lahenduse.
Tillandsia cyanea ostetud kevadel ning lõikasin just sel nädalal ta nö õie ära. Võimalik, et ta ei hakka uusi idusid kasvatama ning seega võib emataim samuti surra. Elame-näeme. Veega kastmise osas vägagi leplik ja ei nõua üldse palju. Olen aru saanud, et tegemist on tegelikult ka õhutaimega ning ta oleks rahul peamiselt ka piserdamisega.
First one I bought a couple of years ago as a wee little plant and then potted into the one you see in this photo. It hasn't grown in a year or two, but despite that it isn't showing any signs of distress. I actually prefer it this size, but if one day it starts looking unhappy, I'll look into repotting.
Tillandsia cyanea was bought in spring and just this week I cut off its paddle. It's possible that it will not have any more new growths and the mother plant will die - we'll see. It's very chill about watering and doesn't require much. As I understand, it's actually sort of an air plant and it's perfectly fine with mostly spraying.

Tillandsia ionatha 
Taim on saadud kingituseks koos pildil oleva hoidjaga ja juba mitu aastat vana. Ta vennas sai küll mingil põhjusel hukka, aga senimaani on see pisike vastu pidanud.
Got this one (+ the holder) as a gift a few years ago. Its brother died (as mentioned before), but this little fellow has survived so far.

Ficus elastica
Kõige uuem pereliige, toodud sõbranna poolt lõunanaabrite juures. Kummipuu on teadaolevalt populaarne toataim ning tal on ka õhupuhastavad omadused. Hetkel andsin talle võrdlemisi hea valgusega asukoha ja jälgin, kuidas talle seal meeldib.
The newest member of the family, brought by my friend from our Southern neighbours. Ficus is a very popular house plant and it also has air-purifying qualities. It has quite a nicely lit area at the moment, we'll see if it likes it there or not.

Ceropegia woodii
Elutseb mu juures talvest saadik ning viibis vahepeal esikus, kuhu päevavalgust ei lange. Selle tulemusena hakkasid lehed tuhmuma ja alla kukkuma ning seejärel tõstsin ta lõunapoolse akna juurde. Valgusküllane asukoht sobib talle väga hästi ning seal pole probleeme märganud. Kasta pigem harvem, läbikuivamise osas mõistlik. Tegelikult peaks teda ka pügama ning kuulu järgi on ära lõigatud osad võimalik mulda panna, kus nad paljunevad. Pole veel proovinud, kuid on plaanis.
Has been living with me since the winter and was located in the hallway where sunlight doesn't reach. As a result, the leaves started to lose color and began falling off. Then I put it near a window facing South and it's been really enjoying it there. I water it sparingly and sometimes even forget to, but it hasn't given me any grief even after I've forgotten to water it for quite some time. It has grown quite long and it's recommended to trim it once a while. I read that it's possible to put trimmings in soil and they'll grow into new plants. Haven't done that yet but I'm eager to try it soon.

Ungari, Budapest osa II // Hungary, Budapest Part II

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Lugu Budapestis jätkub. Kui tavaliselt olen reisidele kaasa tassinud kõiki objektiive ja akulaadjat, siis seekord otsustasin, et kaasa tulevad küll kõik objektiivid, aga mitte akulaadija. Ruumi oleks kotis olnud, aga see ~100-200g tundus "asjatu" lisa olevat. Eksisin rängalt! Enamikel reisidel ei ole väga viitsinud objektiivivahetusega tegeleda, peamiseks on saanud ikka see, mis iganes kõige mitmekülgsem parasjagu on. Vaid väga harva olen viitsinud põlve otsas balansseerides objektiivi eest ära kruvida. Iga kord selliselt reisilt naastes olen end vaikselt kirunud - no milleks oli vaja kõike seda tehnikat kaasa vedada, kui puudust ma sellest poleks tundnud.
Mitte iial pole ma aga kaamera akut nii tühjaks suutnud pildistada, et sealt enam ühtegi piiksu ei tule. Seekord olid lood vähe teised...võrdlemisi aktiivsesse kasutusse läksid kõik objektiivid ning õnnetuseks juhtus ka see, et viimasel päeval sai aku täiesti tühjaks. Pildistada oleks tol hetkel üht-teist veel olnud, kuid tollest hetkest pidin leppima telefoni kaameraga. Tunne oli võõras, omada ühel hetkel ühtmoodi perspektiivi ja võimalusi ning siis harjuda ümber telefoni võimekusega. Vähemasti siit ka õppetund, et kaamera laadijat maha jätta pole kunagi hea mõte.
Pilte hiljem sorteerides märkasin, et meeletus koguses on kaadreid majadest ja arhitektuurist. Imestada pole samas midagi, sest tegelikult oli kesklinnas peaaegu iga maja selline, mis ühes või teises mõttes oli suisa vaatamisväärsus. Kui hakata võrdlema Tallinnaga, siis siin sellist mitmekesisust ja detailirohkust, vähemasti arhitektuuri mõttes, ei leidu.
Reis kestis vahemikus 17-23 mai ning vahetusraha võtsin 150 euro eest. Kohapeal võtsin lisaks välja 30 eurot ning mõnes kohas maksin ka kaardiga. Väga edukalt saab hakkama ka vähemaga. Ehk veidi tavapäratu oli see, et üheski klassikalises muuseumis ei käinudki, kuigi olime mõned oma to-do listi pannud. Samas ei leia, et midagi on nüüd nägemata jäänud või et oleks ikka võinud mõne muuseumi kuskile päevakavasse pressida - tegevust oli niigi omajagu.
Negatiivse poole pealt võib ehk mainida üldist teenindust. Inglise keeles suhtlemine kuskil probleeme ei tekitanud, kuid tihti juhtus seda, et tšekki/teenindajat pidi kaua ootama - ehk siis kiirest kohvist sai tunniajane aja mahavõtt. Ei ole end kunagi pidanud eriliselt nõudlikuks, kuid tasahilju märkasime sarnaseid jooni peaaegu igas teenindusasutuses. Üldiselt võiks ka sellest kõigest pikemalt rääkida, aga pigem keskenduks positiivsel.
Käisime kaemas ka ööelu ning vaieldamatult on üks kuumemaid kohti selleks Szimpla Kert, mille uksetaga lookles õhtul suisa järjekord. Interjöörilt on see väga psühhedeeliline, seega tasub pilk peale visata (kuigi mitte ehk neil, kes eelistavad pigem traditsioonilisi/ootuspäraseid peopaiku).
Vaadake ise:

Selle postituse lõpus ja ühtlasi ka reisi viimasel päeval, käisime Budapesti loomaaias. Paljud on kindlasti näinud videosid pardipoegadest, kes kanalisatsiooniaukudesse kukuvad ja pardiema ei saa teha muud, kui ainult abitult prääksuda. Just nii juhtus ka loomaaias, vabapidamisel pardipoeg tatsas kraavi ning sealt enam välja ei saanud. Pardiema sinna samuti appi ei pääsenud. Ei jäänud muud üle, kui kraavi hüpata ja poeg sealt välja aidata 😀 Ilma kalli härrata oleks aga minagi kraavi jäänud, sest sügavust oli seal omajagu ning oma jõududega oleks hätta jäänud.
Kokkuvõtvalt: nagu juba öeldud, siis esialgu on oht jääda ammulisui vahtima kõiki maju. Lisaks on kliima seal väheke parem kui Tallinnas. Geograafiliselt tundus see mulle olevat täpselt "paras", veidike mägisust, kuid mitte midagi üleliigset. Hindade osas on kõik nii ja naa, kesklinnas suhteliselt sama hinnaklass, mis Eestis. Mõned asjad ehk veidi odavamad. Toit ei erine väga märkimisväärselt, maitsev oli kõik (kuigi tihtipeale olid meie valikud menüüst ka üpris "kindlapeale minek").
Lõpetuseks võib öelda, et vaatamist, uudistamist ja avastamist Budapestis on küll ja veel.
Our story in Budapest continues. When I usually go on a trip, I take all my camera lenses and, of course, the battery charger with me. This time, for some reason, I decided that I'll take all of my lenses, but not the charger. Because that extra 100-200 grams was such a "waste of space and weight", I suppose. Well, this trip definitely proved me wrong in many aspects. It's actually unusual for me to use every lens I've taken with me, in my experience I've mainly used the one that is the most versitile - it's always such a hassle to change lenses in the middle of the street. Every single time I come back and wonder why on Earth I had all this weight on me all the time, if I could've gone without. This time, however, I actually used everything I had with me. I also managed to completely run dry my battery, which has never happened before. Fortunately the battery lasted by the end of our final day, and even though there were still things I wanted to capture, I was able to do so with my phone. Such a strange feeling, when one minute you're able to use your good equipment and the next minute you only have your phone, which naturally is more restrictive than a DSLR. But at least a lesson was learned - it's never a good idea to leave your camera charger behind.
When I went through my Budapest gallery at home, I noticed that I took many photos of buildings and architecture in general. Looking back, it's not actually surprising because every single house/building was unique and a sight for sore eyes for sure. Tallinn really hasn't got anything that nice in comparison, at least in the architectual department.
The trip lasted from May 17th til May 23rd and I took 150 EUR equivalent in HUF with me. In addition, I withdrew about 30 EUR in Budapest and also paid by debit card in some places. That amount is actually more than enough, it's absolutely possible to go with less than that as well. We didn't visit any museums, although we had a few in our to-do list. So that was a bit unusual, because it's such a common thing to do on trips. But I don't feel like I missed out on  anything or that we should've squeezed a museum into our plans no matter what. There were still plenty of things to see and do.
On a more negative side I must say a word about the service troubles we had in Budapest. Communication in English was definitely not a problem, but waiting for the check or the server and oftentimes finding out we were almost forgotton was a common thread in many cafes/restaurants we went to. I don't consider myself a very picky person (in terms of eating out), I just like to eat and then pay for my food as quickly as possible (I actually prefer paying beforehand to prevent this situation with waiting on a check). I could go more into details about our experience, but I'd like to stay more on the positive side of things.
We also looked into the nightlife areas and Szimpla Kert is definitely a very popular place, with people queing outside in the evening. Its interior is very psychedelic, not a place I'd recommend for your average 80-year old grandma (not discriminating though, but I'd be surprised to find one in there).
In the end of this post (and also on our last day in Budapest) we went to the zoo. I'm sure many have seen videos of little ducklings who have fallen into sewer holes. Usually the mother duck can't do much than cry out helplessly. Exactly that happened in the zoo, a freely roaming duckling fell into a trench and couldn't get out, its mother was very upset and wouldn't leave the trench. So I jumped in and helped the duckling out. If it weren't for my boyfriend, I wouldn't have gotten out myself - the depth was more than my height.
My conclusion of Budapest: as I said before, it's a real "danger" to just look in awe and drool over every building you see at first. The climate is better than in Tallinn. To me, Budapest has the perfect balance of flat ground and hills. The surrounding hills are not so in your face and overpowering - they just add a nice touch, if you can say so. Price range is pretty much the same as in Estonia, maybe some things are a bit cheaper. The food is also good, although I have to admit that we picked quite "safe" choices from the menus.
There is definitely more to see and discover in Budapest, so maybe one day I'll go for a revisit.

A train station

Paljudel majadel on kuulijäljed.
Many buildings have bullet holes in them.

Budapesti autopargist rääkides...populaarsed olid Renault Cliod, igat sorti väiksemad autod ja...mingil põhjusel on see linn, kus ma olen kõige rohkem silmanud Fiat Multiplasid...mis värk on? Ahjaa, ka Ladasid asjatas ringi.
Speaking of cars most widely seen in Budapest...the most popular ones were all kinds of small/compact cars, Renault Clios and for some reason it's the city where I've seen WAY too many Fiat Multiplas, what is up with that? Oh, and there were also quite a few Ladas, which gave a nice nostalgic feel.

Esimest Jaguari kohtasime alles tükk aega hiljem.
A wild Jag appears, many days into the trip.

Kultuurisündmus muuseumi ees + mingit sorti laat. Paraku polnud inglise keeles tutvustavaid silte ja seega mõistatuseks see jäigi.
A cultural event in front of a museum + a fair of some sort. It's a mystery what was celebrated, there were no English signs for this event.

Turg. Võimas ja korralik. Ma ei tea, mis teema on ungarlastel ilusate katusemustritega, aga...see on absoluutselt fantastiline, jätkake samal lainel palun. Turust. Alumisel korrusel peamiselt kala ja kõiksugu marineeritud asjad (muideks, eksisteerib ka marineerimiskunst, nagu tuleb välja - s.t toidust näod ja kirjad purkides), esimesel sissepääsutasandil palju maitseaineid (ilmnes, et paprikapulber on kuum teema), puuvilja-juurvilja ning veidi ka liha. Nö kolmandal korrusel oli tänavatoiduosa ja suveniirid. Toit nägi eemalt päris ahvatlev välja, kuid kahjuks oli see ala väga ülerahvastatud.
A farmer's market, worth it's name for sure. I don't know what is up with Hungarians and beautiful roof patterns, but...boy, please keep up the good work, it's wonderful. About the market itself. On the ground level (-1 I suppose) there were mostly fish/sea products and all kinds of marinated stuff in jars (they even had decoratively marinated jars), entry level had spices (mainly paprika, which turned out to be a huge thing in Hungary), fruits and vegetables and some meat. On the third (or second) floor there was street food and souvenirs. The food looked very appetizing, but sadly the area was way too crowded to snack on something peacefully.

Natuke tänavakunsti pragudes.
A bit of street art in the cracks of the pavement. 

Imeilus Ikarus. Kui meil vurasid  kunagi Tallinnas vaid samalaadsed kollased bussid, siis siin saime sõita Ikaruse trolliga. Tuttav ja samas nii võõras ühteaegu.
Ikarus the beautiful, the mighty. We got to ride on an Ikarus trolleybus, which was familiar but different at the same time. Many moons ago we used to have yellow Ikarus buses on the streets of Tallinn.

Ja nüüd loomaaed. Kuna mu kaamera aku näitas tõsiseid väsimuse märke, siis ei pildistanud siin nii palju kui oleks ehk soovinud. Igal juhul on see loomaaed imeline, ütleks, et suisa kohustuslik, kui Budapesti sattuda. Nägin päris mitmeid liike, mida Tallinnas pole. Elukeskkond tundus väga mõnus ja avar olevat, maastiku ja üldilmega on seal vaeva nähtud. Google Mapsi järgi veedavad inimesed seal tavaliselt "3 tundi", aga olen päris kindel, et meil kulus seal kõvasti rohkem aega. Ala ise on päris suur, kuid samas mitte laialivalguv. Mitmest ekspositsioonist ruttasime lõpuks mööda, sest muidu oleks kulunud kõige selle jaoks üle poole päeva. 
Loomaaias pildistatud 50mm 1.8G objektiiviga.
And now the zoo. My camera's battery was really starting to die on me, so I didn't take as many photos as I had hoped. But the zoo itself was really amazing. I would even go as far as saying that it is a mandatory visit for those who plan a trip to Budapest. I saw quite a few species that we do not have in Tallinn. They have really worked hard to have such nice plants and environment, all kinds of natural looking rocks/hills and realistic areas for the animals. Google Maps stated that people usually spend "3 hours there", but I'm pretty sure we were there longer than that. The zoo itself is quite big and packed, but spacious at the same time. In the end we rushed through some buildings and expositions because it would've taken more than there are hours in the day, to fully explore everything.
All photos in the zoo were taken with the 50mm 1.8G.

Jääkarudel oli musimaraton enne praegust "pese oma hambad" ilmet.
The polar bears had a long kissing marathon prior to this "wash your teeth" expression.

Kaelkirjakute triviat teades ei olegi vaatepilt nii kummaline.
Knowing a bit of giraffe trivia, this sight is not so unusual after all.

Ja see hoonepilt on absoluutselt viimane, mille mu kaamera suutis endast anda. Peale seda pakkis aku pillid kotti. Õnneks oli reis ka peaaegu läbi. 
And this beautiful building is the last thing I photographed...my battery died and that was that. Fortunately, this was in the end of the trip anyway.

Lõpetuseks pilt loomaaia Jaapani aiast.
As a good bye, a photo from the Japanese garden in the zoo.