Sama koht, teine varustus. Suuskadega polnud aastast 2005 sõitnud, olin unustanud kui väsitav see olla võib :) Mul on vanast ajast mingid nö teismeliste Visu suusad olemas ja kunagi sai nendega ka palju sõidetud, kuid mingil hetkel kadusid saapad ära ja katki see asi jäigi. Nüüdseks on suusad ka veidi lühikeseks jäänud. Uiske on meil seevastu 3 paari ja nendega proovin ikka igal talvel jääl ära käia.
Igal juhul uisutamine > suusatamine. Ja veel, kaamerakotiga mäest laskuda on väga suureks motivatsiooniks mitte käpuli käia.
Same place as yesterday, different gear. I hadn't skied since 2005 and had also forgotton how tirying it can be :) I have a pair of old "teenager" Visu skis and oh, back in the day I used to go skiing a lot, but the boots got lost somehow and that ended my skiing days. On the other hand, we have 3 pairs of ice skates and every winter I try and go skating at least once.
Anyway ice skating > skiing. Also, going down the slope with a camera bag is a great motivator to help you not fall down the hill.
Suusatades // Skiing
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Käisin uisutamas ja tegin suusakeskuse ees paar pilti, mida tehes ei liikunud sammugi. Vot nõnda laisk olin. Aga kuna kaamera juba kaasa võetud oli, oli kohustus see ka korra vähemalt kotist välja võtta :)
Homme jõuan ehk rohkemat.
I went ice skating and took a couple of photos in front of Nõmme Spordikeskus. Didn't move an inch while doing so, but since I had already taken the camera with me, I felt obligated to at least take it out of the bag for a minute :)
Maybe I'll manage to put in a little more effort tomorrow.
Homme jõuan ehk rohkemat.
I went ice skating and took a couple of photos in front of Nõmme Spordikeskus. Didn't move an inch while doing so, but since I had already taken the camera with me, I felt obligated to at least take it out of the bag for a minute :)
Maybe I'll manage to put in a little more effort tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Et siis. Veidike juttu sellest, mis vahepeal toiminud on. Oma viimases suvises postituses kirjutasin, et sain tööd IT kasutajatoe spetsialistina. Töö algus oli 1. septembril ja katseaeg kestis 4 kuud. Võin öelda, et kogu selle aja hoidsin nö hinge kinni, sest pinge oli peal. Nende kuudega jõudsid kätte ka külmad ilmad ja pime aeg. Iga aastaga on see periood raskemalt mõjuma hakanud, kogu sügis-talv on nagu üks suur must auk. Ei kippunud kuidagi välja minema, stress ja väsimus ja kehv ilm kõik koos on parajalt ebamotiveeriv pakett. Sellest ka null postitust vahepealse aja jooksul.
Aasta lõpus sain toreda teate, et olen katseaja läbinud :) Seetõttu olen üritanud nüüd endale ka rohkem aega leida. Edaspidiselt võtan sihiks igal nädalavahetusel kaameraga korra kuskil käia. Kas sealt iga kord ka pilte saab, on iseasi :D
Rääkides kaamerast, Nikon D80 sai endale uue kaaslase - Nikon D5200. "Mis oli-on mu kaamerakotis" postituses sai mainitud, et tahan millalgi uue kere soetada ning nüüd, jaanuari keskel, ma selle teoks ka tegin. Kui aus olla, siis oli D80 mul juba nii käpas, et D5200 käsitlemine vajab veel harjumist. Ei ole veel kaamera hingeelu endale päris selgeks suutnud teha, aga eks ajapikku asi paraneb. Kindlasti pole plaanis D80 nurka visata, olen kõigi nende aastate jooksul temaga väga rahule jäänud. Eks näis, kuhu nüüd edasi.
So. A recap of recent events. In my last summery post I wrote about getting a job as an IT support specialist. I started work on September 1 and had 4 months as a trial period. All this time I pretty much held my breath because of stress. With each passing month, the weather got colder and darker and gloomier. Every single year it hits me harder than ever before, the whole autumn-winter period is just a big black hole. So the accumulated stress of work, not so great weather, being tired...didn't motivate me to go anywhere or do anything. I really lost my track in posting and taking photos.
In the end of the year, I received great news of having passed my trial period :) which is why I've started trying to find more time for myself now. I'll try and go out every weekend with my camera. I can't say there will be photos every time, but I'll do my best.
Speaking of trusty old Nikon D80 has a new companion - Nikon D5200. In my "What was-is in my camera bag" post I mentioned a thought of buying a new camera body someday. Well, now it has become a reality. To be honest, I'm still so used to using D80 that learning to handle D5200 is going to take some time. This won't mean that I'll be throwing my D80 away, I'm still very fond of it and will keep using it as long as possible.
Kolm pilti ka uuest kaamerast // Three shots taken with the D5200
Aasta lõpus sain toreda teate, et olen katseaja läbinud :) Seetõttu olen üritanud nüüd endale ka rohkem aega leida. Edaspidiselt võtan sihiks igal nädalavahetusel kaameraga korra kuskil käia. Kas sealt iga kord ka pilte saab, on iseasi :D
Rääkides kaamerast, Nikon D80 sai endale uue kaaslase - Nikon D5200. "Mis oli-on mu kaamerakotis" postituses sai mainitud, et tahan millalgi uue kere soetada ning nüüd, jaanuari keskel, ma selle teoks ka tegin. Kui aus olla, siis oli D80 mul juba nii käpas, et D5200 käsitlemine vajab veel harjumist. Ei ole veel kaamera hingeelu endale päris selgeks suutnud teha, aga eks ajapikku asi paraneb. Kindlasti pole plaanis D80 nurka visata, olen kõigi nende aastate jooksul temaga väga rahule jäänud. Eks näis, kuhu nüüd edasi.
So. A recap of recent events. In my last summery post I wrote about getting a job as an IT support specialist. I started work on September 1 and had 4 months as a trial period. All this time I pretty much held my breath because of stress. With each passing month, the weather got colder and darker and gloomier. Every single year it hits me harder than ever before, the whole autumn-winter period is just a big black hole. So the accumulated stress of work, not so great weather, being tired...didn't motivate me to go anywhere or do anything. I really lost my track in posting and taking photos.
In the end of the year, I received great news of having passed my trial period :) which is why I've started trying to find more time for myself now. I'll try and go out every weekend with my camera. I can't say there will be photos every time, but I'll do my best.
Speaking of trusty old Nikon D80 has a new companion - Nikon D5200. In my "What was-is in my camera bag" post I mentioned a thought of buying a new camera body someday. Well, now it has become a reality. To be honest, I'm still so used to using D80 that learning to handle D5200 is going to take some time. This won't mean that I'll be throwing my D80 away, I'm still very fond of it and will keep using it as long as possible.
Kolm pilti ka uuest kaamerast // Three shots taken with the D5200
Jõulud // Christmas
Jõulud. Esimest korda elus ei tulnud seda õiget tunnet peale, seetõttu ka kõigest kohustuslikud pildid.
Christmas. For the first time in my life I couldn't get into the holiday spirit.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Kassid ja Juuru mahajäetud kirik.
Cats and abandoned church of Juuru.
Keegi avastas kana // He found the chicken