Kiidusõnadena võib lisada veel seda, et kõigi markide väljapanekud (mis osaliselt asusid kõrgendatud tasanditel), olid ligipääsetavad ka ratastooliga külastajatele, keda oli liikvel omajagu. Meie käisime näitusel 13. märtsil ning olgugi, et mess oli selleks ajaks kestnud juba viis päeva, oli rahvast väga palju. Seega tuli populaarsematesse autodesse istumiseks veidi järjekorras seista.
Suure tähelepanu all oli autode puhtus ning läige - igal pool toimetasid hoolikad käed nii mopi, lapi kui tolmutuustidega.
Sissepääsu juures kontrollitakse kotte, kuid üllatuslikult ei konfiskeeritud veepudelit (ega poolikut võileiba) ning siit suured plusspunktid minu poolt. Kui kõht peaks tühjaks minema, siis sees on samuti võimalik üht-teist hamba alla osta.
Geneva motor show offers some serious eye candy for those who love cars and is also a fun experience to someone like me, who watches the Grand Tour and drives a regular car. The whole expo area is huge, it total about 7 fully packed halls. If you think you'd want a hands on experience with the cars, I strongly recommend booking a whole day for this.
The show featured newest models, futuristic concept cars and interesting finds from the past. You can sit in many of the cars and have a sniff of the sweet smell of brand new upholstery. In addition to cars there are also car wash stands, showcasing their latest technology; booths for tires and all kinds of car-related parts/oils etc. It's possible to buy car accessories, model cars and keychains.
Considering how much work they've put into this whole show, the ticket costs a reasonable 16 CHF.
More on the positive side, it was also nice that although some car makers had their cars presented on an elevated terrain, they were all accessible by wheelchair. Despite us visiting the show on its 5th opening day, it was swarming with people still, so with the more popular models, you had to wait in queue to have a look inside.
The importance of cleanliness and shine was also very high - mops and dusters were out at all times to wipe away all specks of dust and/or fingerprints.
Bags are checked before the entrance, but we were not made to throw away our water (and a half-eaten sandwich), so I assume you could bring water and some snacks with you. It is also possible to buy something to eat there, in case you'll get hungry while visiting.
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