Niivõrd pikaks venivad need pausid postitustes. Selle ajaga siiski pilte natukene koguneb ja seetõttu panen siia viimase 10+ kuu jäädvustused. Eriti võõras on uude Bloggerisse tulla, mida seni postituse loomiseks veel kasutanud polnud. Loodetavasti jääb vana keskkond siiski kättesaadavaks, sest päris kõike harjumuspärast uues vaates enam teha ei õnnestunud.
Igatahes on siin nii suve kui talve kui varakevadet. Seda õiget kevadet veel mitte. Tavapärased plaanid, kus ja mis käia ja mida teha, on nüüd kõik muidugi kuskile sahtlisse lükatud. Eks näis, millal normaalsus taastub. Kui üldse...!
Igatahes on siin nii suve kui talve kui varakevadet. Seda õiget kevadet veel mitte. Tavapärased plaanid, kus ja mis käia ja mida teha, on nüüd kõik muidugi kuskile sahtlisse lükatud. Eks näis, millal normaalsus taastub. Kui üldse...!
The gaps in between posts just keep getting longer and longer. But I still take photos and so this post contains captures from the last 10+ months. It was rather strange to write this in the new-ish Blogger interface. I hope that the old UI still remains available, because somehow the new one was limiting the features that I usually use.
Anyway here's everything from summer to winter to early spring. True spring with young leaves and fresh nature is missing. My usual plans and wants and dos have now been put on hold, as is the same for the whole world. I guess we'll see when (or should I say IF) everything is back to normal.
Anyway here's everything from summer to winter to early spring. True spring with young leaves and fresh nature is missing. My usual plans and wants and dos have now been put on hold, as is the same for the whole world. I guess we'll see when (or should I say IF) everything is back to normal.
Curiously enough, I had never been to lake Peipus before. The area's home grown onions and fish from the lake is famous and known all over Estonia, so as a summer's ending #discoverestonia trip we decided to take a small ride to there. Onions and fish really were as delicious as promised. We passed many small villages on our way and for some reason I never would've thought that there would be so much life there. Yes, sure, some of it is because it was summer and people go there more, but still! It was a nice surprise to see the area thriving. I really wish to go back there next year to explore more of the surroundings of lake Peipus.
Jaanipäeval ei saanud külastamata jätta Laitse vana raadiojaama. Kel huvi, leiab põhjalikumaid postitusi varasematest aastatest.
Could not pass up visiting the old radio station in Laitse. For those who are interested, you can find more in depth posts about this location from my previous posts.
Rummu 2020. aasta talvel
Treppoja. Ootamatu lumi märtsis 2020 // Treppoja. Snow decided it was time to make an appearance. In March.
Ja Jägala juga siis, kui sinna veel minna võis...
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Highly impressive photos!
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