Kasutuses olid Nikon D80 (50mm objektiiviga) ja Nikon D5200 (kit objektiiviga). Lepatriinude puhul ka Industar 50.
The trees are more in bloom this year than I can ever remember seeing them. Nothing to complain, though - it all looks very pretty. And since this mass-blooming is so rare, even my grandmother and mother agreed to model for me.
Used Nikon D80 with 50mm lens and Nikon D5200 with a kit lens. Ladybirds shot with Industar 50.
Ei suutnud vastu panna, kiisu on pildistatud üles iga nurga alt. Postitan ka fookusest väljas olnud pildi, sest lihtsalt meeldis ka see.
I just had to post every single shot that I took of this kitty. Even that one unfocused shot was nice.
I just had to post every single shot that I took of this kitty. Even that one unfocused shot was nice.
Värske rabarber // Fresh rhubarb
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