Luige laat // Luige fair

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Laupäeval sai esimest korda käidud Luige laadal. Piletihind oli 5 eurot, mis pole just kõige soodsam. Arvestades seda, et inimesed tulevad sinna eesmärgiga raha kulutada ja müüjad niikuinii maksavad kohatasu, seega mingi 2-3 eurot täiskasvanu eest oleks mõistlikum. Aga see selleks. Isiklikuks saagiks sai kotike Peipsi sibulatega. Kui ema oleks kaasas olnud, siis oleks ta lilleletid ilmselt tühjaks ostnud. Kõige enam meeldis siiski loomi vaadata/paitada ja seetõttu ongi pildid vaid neist :)
Saturday was my first time visiting the Luige country fair. Entrance fee was 5 euros. A bit high in my opinion, because people go there to spend money and the sellers already pay a fee for their slot. 2-3 euros for and adult would be more reasonable I think.
I was asked to buy onions for planting and that's what I ended up getting. Good thing my mom wasn't there, because I know for sure she would've bought every plant/flower in sight.
We enjoyed watching/petting the animals the most, and so, that's what I photographed.

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