What could be better than spending some time with seven cats? My hands and arms also got new modifications by the fine artists's claws :) It was worth it, though. Reminded me of the time when my arms were always like that - full of scratch marks.
Poegadele pakuvad huvi ka kõige lihtsamad asjad. Näiteks juhe // Kittens find joy in the simplest of things. Here the kitty is playing with a cord
Ja ka krabisev kommipaber on põnev. Või oli asi kommi nimes? // And even the crinkly candy wrapper is exciting. Or is it the name? (kirju koer = spotted dog )
Paberit püüdes // Catching the candy wrapper
Kiisuema hoidis mängul silma peal // The game was supervised by their mother
Pisar juba silmas, et kätte ei saa // Teary-eyed for not being able to catch that wrapper
Tore on ka hiilida // It's also fun to sneak around the corners
...eriti kui üritad ema ehmatada // ...especially when you're trying to give your mother a scare
"Kus raha on?" // "Where's the money?"
Ema õpetab pesema // Mother teaching how to lick yourself clean
Õpetussõnad kandsid vilja // Education put to practice
Söögiaeg! // Lunch time