See nädalavahetus on tegus olnud pildistamise osas. Täna käisin Treppojal, kuhu polnudki varasemalt sattunud. 99% piltidest sai tehtud polariseeriva filtriga ning ühe puhul panin ette ka ND filtri. Võrreldes eilsega taas täiesti teistsugune pilt - lund oli näha vaid väga vähestes kohtades.
A very productive weekend in terms of taking photos. This time, I went to Treppoja which was a first for me. 99% of photos were taken using the polarizing filter and on one occasion I also used the ND filter. Another completely different sight, compared to yesterday's weather - I could only see the snow in just a few places.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Kuna eile saabus postkasti ND filter, siis oli aeg täna seda katsetama minna. Lisaks sellele kruvisin vahepeal ette ka gradientfiltri ning testiks veel ringpolariseeriva filtri. Kõik said veepritsmeid täis, mis kajastusid ka fotodel. Enamust neist ei viitsinud ma hiljem Photoshopis eemaldada - suuremalt jaolt on tegemist taas testiga. Seekord oli abiks ka statiiv!
Paraku saabus paar päeva tagasi varajane talv ning seega on atmosfäär sellel nädalal hoopis teistsugune kui eelmise nädala piltidel.
I received my ND filter yesterday and naturally that meant it was time to give it a test run today! In addition to that, I also used the gradient filter and polarizing filter. They all got water on them and you can also see the water droplets very well in the photos. Since this was another test, I wasn't worried too much about removing them in Photoshop. This time, however, I also used a tripod.
Winter came early this year unfortunately, so the difference between this week's photos compared to photos from last week, is night and day.
All on siis taas katsetus ringpolariseeriva filtriga. Raske uskuda, et ilma selleta nii pikalt elasin. Kuigi seda pole otseselt *vaja*, annab see tegelikult väga palju juurde, mida järeltöötluses ilma filtrite pildistades pole lihtsalt võimalik saavutada. // Below is another test shot with a polarizing filter. Hard to imagine that I went so long without one. You don't actually *need* one, but I certainly believe that it actually gives you so much more detail which can't be achieved in post production shooting without a filter.
Paraku saabus paar päeva tagasi varajane talv ning seega on atmosfäär sellel nädalal hoopis teistsugune kui eelmise nädala piltidel.
I received my ND filter yesterday and naturally that meant it was time to give it a test run today! In addition to that, I also used the gradient filter and polarizing filter. They all got water on them and you can also see the water droplets very well in the photos. Since this was another test, I wasn't worried too much about removing them in Photoshop. This time, however, I also used a tripod.
Winter came early this year unfortunately, so the difference between this week's photos compared to photos from last week, is night and day.
All on siis taas katsetus ringpolariseeriva filtriga. Raske uskuda, et ilma selleta nii pikalt elasin. Kuigi seda pole otseselt *vaja*, annab see tegelikult väga palju juurde, mida järeltöötluses ilma filtrite pildistades pole lihtsalt võimalik saavutada. // Below is another test shot with a polarizing filter. Hard to imagine that I went so long without one. You don't actually *need* one, but I certainly believe that it actually gives you so much more detail which can't be achieved in post production shooting without a filter.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Mõned pildid Keila-Joast. Kõik pildid tehtud ilma statiivita ja ütlematagi on vist mõista, et enamus mälukaardist oli täis uduseid kaadreid 😛
Abiks olid seekord ringpolariseeriv filter ning gradientfilter. Tahtsingi peamiselt näha oma silmaga ringpolariseeriva filtri võlu. Paraku oli päike natuke ebasoodsa nurga all ning mõnes asukohas jäi seega täisefekt saavutamata. Gradientfiltri abil oli võimalik kasutada veidi aeglasemat säriaega ja see tekitas ärevust (tõenäoliselt varsti) saabuva ND filtri osas, mis laseb säriajaga veel rohkem mängida.
Some photos of Keila-Joa. All taken without the help of a tripod and needless to say, the SD card was mostly full of blurry shots 😛
This time I had some help from a polarizing filter and a gradient filter. My main goal was to see the polarizing filter in action, but unfortunately in some areas the Sun's position wasn't really ideal for the filter, so the full effect wasn't really achievable. Gradient filter allowed me to turn down the exposure time, which made me really excited for the ND filter that I ordered (should be arriving soon), so that I can play some more with exposure.
Abiks olid seekord ringpolariseeriv filter ning gradientfilter. Tahtsingi peamiselt näha oma silmaga ringpolariseeriva filtri võlu. Paraku oli päike natuke ebasoodsa nurga all ning mõnes asukohas jäi seega täisefekt saavutamata. Gradientfiltri abil oli võimalik kasutada veidi aeglasemat säriaega ja see tekitas ärevust (tõenäoliselt varsti) saabuva ND filtri osas, mis laseb säriajaga veel rohkem mängida.
Some photos of Keila-Joa. All taken without the help of a tripod and needless to say, the SD card was mostly full of blurry shots 😛
This time I had some help from a polarizing filter and a gradient filter. My main goal was to see the polarizing filter in action, but unfortunately in some areas the Sun's position wasn't really ideal for the filter, so the full effect wasn't really achievable. Gradient filter allowed me to turn down the exposure time, which made me really excited for the ND filter that I ordered (should be arriving soon), so that I can play some more with exposure.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Vihmane jalutuskäik sügises Pääsküla rabas. Võimalik ainult tänu suurepärastele tehnikutele, kes suutsid mu katkisele objektiivile taas eluvaimu sisse puhuda! Suur aitäh ja kiitus, ei saagi aru, et temaga üldse midagi oleks kunagi juhtunud 😄
Rainy walk in the bog of Pääsküla. Thanks to the wonderful team at, I am now able to use my lens again! Feels like I never dropped it 😄
Rainy walk in the bog of Pääsküla. Thanks to the wonderful team at, I am now able to use my lens again! Feels like I never dropped it 😄
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Ka sel sügisel sai käidud Luige vanavara - ja käsitöölaadal. Nostalgiat leidus absoluutselt igal pool - asjad, mida kunagi tahtsid ja asjad, mis kunagi endal olid. Saagiks sain seekord 2 vinüüli (Queen, 3 eurot ja Jaak Joala, 6 eurot) ning ühe Zenit kaamera viie euroga. Viimane on mul juba küll olemas, kuid ostsin selle peamiselt Industar 50-2 objektiivi pärast. Esmapilgul tundub ka, et kaameral vigu leidub ja mõttekas oleks see osadeks maha müüa. Samuti on mul varasemast ajast olemas 50-2 nö vanem vend, mil nimeks Industar 50. Nende peamine erinevus tundub esmapilgul olevat nende keermete suuruses (kuid eks nipet-näpet on vahet ka optikas) ning välimuses. Vanade objektiivide häda on see, et uue kere küljes ei taha nad lõpmatusse teravustada. See tähendab, et terava pildi saab objektist maksimaalselt umbes kümnekonna meetri ulatuses, sellest kaugemale pildistades on udukogu (hoolimata sellest, et objektiiv ise on seadistatud lõpmatusse ja Zeniti küljes teravusega probleeme ei ole). Olen varasemalt lugenud, et uue kerega kaugemale teravustamine on võimalik, kuid selleks on vaja objektiiv lahti võtta ja natuke siit-sealt viilida. Nüüd, mil tagavaraobjektiiv on olemas, võiks seda lahendust mingil hetkel veidike uurida...
Kuna ma olin veits kannatamatu, siis uurisin kohe ja leidsin sellise blogi, kus seletatakse natuke 50-2 modifitseerimist. Selles juhendis küll viilimisest juttu ei olnud, aga Industar 50 puhul mäletan kindlasti, et vajalik oli mingite sisemiste osade viilimine ning see tundus toona päris hirmutav. Mõned tunnid tagasi võtsin 50-2 ette ja hakkasin nikerdama. Juhendis mainitakse, et lahtikäiva osa vahele tuleks panna 4mm papp. Seda mul hetkel võtta ei olnud, kuid üritasin selle õhematest tükkidest ise kokku liimida. Raskem osa oli aga ringi välja lõikamine ning see mul lõppkokkuvõttes ei õnnestunudki. Keerasin selle eelläätse hoopis nõrgemalt tagasi nii, et ta jääb oma esialgsest positsioonist kaugemale ja...katsetasin pilti teha. Üllataval kombel tundub, et see isegi toimis!
Näiteks tegin ümbruskonnas kiirelt paar pilti. Pean küll mainima, et 50-2 ei ole lähivõtetes nii terav kui vennas 50. Kas on asi selles, et konkreetne 50-2 on kuidagi kannatada saanud või ongi selle versiooni kvaliteet/optika kehvem, on võimatu öelda.
Täna laadal oli aga kasutusel 50mm 1.8D, kuna paraku pole hetkel veel midagi kuulnud oma 18-135mm objektiivist, mille parandusse viisin mõned nädalad tagasi. Automaatne fookus sellel objektiivil Nikon D5200'ga ei toimi ning seetõttu olin täielikult ka manuaalse fokusseerimise peal. Kuigi ma igapäevaselt kasutan manuaalset režiimi, ei ole manuaalne fookus mu suurim lemmik. Raske on seda ideaalset teravust leida (eriti, kui seda tuleb teha kiiresti) ning see on üks nendest asjadest, mille ma hea meelega jätaksin kaamera välja arvutada 😊
First comes fall, then comes the Fair of arts and crafts + vintage/retro things in Luige. There was plenty of nostalgia everywhere - stuff you once wanted, and stuff you once owned. My "haul" was quite small but nonetheless, successful: 2 vinyls - Queen (3 euros) and Jaak Joala (6 euros), and an old soviet camera Zenit (5 euros) which I bought mainly for the Industar 50-2 lens because I already have the body. At first glance it seems that the camera might actually have some issues, so maybe it's best to sell it for parts - we'll see. I also already have Industar 50, which is the older brother of the 50-2. Main difference seems to be the screw mount size, but I guess there are probably some minor differences in optics as well. One thing that has bugged me for some years now, is the ability to focus to infinity with an older lens. Currently, (with Industar 50 and 50-2 at least) it can't be done even if the lens is set to focus to infity (it shows sharpness just fine when mounted on a Zenit, but on a SLR, it's a different story).I've seen tutorials on how to take the lens apart and what to do, for it to be able to focus to infinity on SLR as well. Now that I have a backup lens, I might actually investigate this matter further...
Since I was eager to find out more, I googled and found this blog about modifying the 50-2. Although it didn't say anything about filing off any internal parts, I remember vividly that it was certainly the case for the 50 version. So couple of hours ago I took my 50-2 and started working. The blog instructed to cut a piece out of a 4mm cardboard, which I didn't have in hand. I was able to glue thinner pieces of cardboard into a 4mm one, but cutting out the circle was actually the most difficult part and without proper tools, I failed to do that. Instead, I screwed the lens not completely in (for it to be further from the original position) and...took a test shot. To my surprise, it seems that it actually might have worked. I took couple of quick photos in the neighbourhood and below are some test shtos. It seems as though 50-2 is not as sharp in close up shots as is the 50. Whether it is this particular lens or the overall quality and/or optics of the 50-2 is weaker, I may never know.
For today I used my 50mm 1.8D because I still haven't heard back from the repair shop that I took my lens for fixing. Unfortunately 1.8D doesnt autofocus with Nikon D5200 and although I mostly use manual mode for shooting, I hardly ever go for manual focus. It's just so difficult to find that perfect sharpness in a fast situation!
Esmalt näidispildid moditud 50-2 "sulest" // 2 sample images from the modded 50-2
Kuna ma olin veits kannatamatu, siis uurisin kohe ja leidsin sellise blogi, kus seletatakse natuke 50-2 modifitseerimist. Selles juhendis küll viilimisest juttu ei olnud, aga Industar 50 puhul mäletan kindlasti, et vajalik oli mingite sisemiste osade viilimine ning see tundus toona päris hirmutav. Mõned tunnid tagasi võtsin 50-2 ette ja hakkasin nikerdama. Juhendis mainitakse, et lahtikäiva osa vahele tuleks panna 4mm papp. Seda mul hetkel võtta ei olnud, kuid üritasin selle õhematest tükkidest ise kokku liimida. Raskem osa oli aga ringi välja lõikamine ning see mul lõppkokkuvõttes ei õnnestunudki. Keerasin selle eelläätse hoopis nõrgemalt tagasi nii, et ta jääb oma esialgsest positsioonist kaugemale ja...katsetasin pilti teha. Üllataval kombel tundub, et see isegi toimis!
Näiteks tegin ümbruskonnas kiirelt paar pilti. Pean küll mainima, et 50-2 ei ole lähivõtetes nii terav kui vennas 50. Kas on asi selles, et konkreetne 50-2 on kuidagi kannatada saanud või ongi selle versiooni kvaliteet/optika kehvem, on võimatu öelda.
Täna laadal oli aga kasutusel 50mm 1.8D, kuna paraku pole hetkel veel midagi kuulnud oma 18-135mm objektiivist, mille parandusse viisin mõned nädalad tagasi. Automaatne fookus sellel objektiivil Nikon D5200'ga ei toimi ning seetõttu olin täielikult ka manuaalse fokusseerimise peal. Kuigi ma igapäevaselt kasutan manuaalset režiimi, ei ole manuaalne fookus mu suurim lemmik. Raske on seda ideaalset teravust leida (eriti, kui seda tuleb teha kiiresti) ning see on üks nendest asjadest, mille ma hea meelega jätaksin kaamera välja arvutada 😊
First comes fall, then comes the Fair of arts and crafts + vintage/retro things in Luige. There was plenty of nostalgia everywhere - stuff you once wanted, and stuff you once owned. My "haul" was quite small but nonetheless, successful: 2 vinyls - Queen (3 euros) and Jaak Joala (6 euros), and an old soviet camera Zenit (5 euros) which I bought mainly for the Industar 50-2 lens because I already have the body. At first glance it seems that the camera might actually have some issues, so maybe it's best to sell it for parts - we'll see. I also already have Industar 50, which is the older brother of the 50-2. Main difference seems to be the screw mount size, but I guess there are probably some minor differences in optics as well. One thing that has bugged me for some years now, is the ability to focus to infinity with an older lens. Currently, (with Industar 50 and 50-2 at least) it can't be done even if the lens is set to focus to infity (it shows sharpness just fine when mounted on a Zenit, but on a SLR, it's a different story).
Since I was eager to find out more, I googled and found this blog about modifying the 50-2. Although it didn't say anything about filing off any internal parts, I remember vividly that it was certainly the case for the 50 version. So couple of hours ago I took my 50-2 and started working. The blog instructed to cut a piece out of a 4mm cardboard, which I didn't have in hand. I was able to glue thinner pieces of cardboard into a 4mm one, but cutting out the circle was actually the most difficult part and without proper tools, I failed to do that. Instead, I screwed the lens not completely in (for it to be further from the original position) and...took a test shot. To my surprise, it seems that it actually might have worked. I took couple of quick photos in the neighbourhood and below are some test shtos. It seems as though 50-2 is not as sharp in close up shots as is the 50. Whether it is this particular lens or the overall quality and/or optics of the 50-2 is weaker, I may never know.
For today I used my 50mm 1.8D because I still haven't heard back from the repair shop that I took my lens for fixing. Unfortunately 1.8D doesnt autofocus with Nikon D5200 and although I mostly use manual mode for shooting, I hardly ever go for manual focus. It's just so difficult to find that perfect sharpness in a fast situation!
Esmalt näidispildid moditud 50-2 "sulest" // 2 sample images from the modded 50-2