Kuna eile saabus postkasti ND filter, siis oli aeg täna seda katsetama minna. Lisaks sellele kruvisin vahepeal ette ka gradientfiltri ning testiks veel ringpolariseeriva filtri. Kõik said veepritsmeid täis, mis kajastusid ka fotodel. Enamust neist ei viitsinud ma hiljem Photoshopis eemaldada - suuremalt jaolt on tegemist taas testiga. Seekord oli abiks ka statiiv!
Paraku saabus paar päeva tagasi varajane talv ning seega on atmosfäär sellel nädalal hoopis teistsugune kui eelmise nädala piltidel.
I received my ND filter yesterday and naturally that meant it was time to give it a test run today! In addition to that, I also used the gradient filter and polarizing filter. They all got water on them and you can also see the water droplets very well in the photos. Since this was another test, I wasn't worried too much about removing them in Photoshop. This time, however, I also used a tripod.
Winter came early this year unfortunately, so the difference between this week's photos compared to photos from last week, is night and day.
All on siis taas katsetus ringpolariseeriva filtriga. Raske uskuda, et ilma selleta nii pikalt elasin. Kuigi seda pole otseselt *vaja*, annab see tegelikult väga palju juurde, mida järeltöötluses ilma filtrite pildistades pole lihtsalt võimalik saavutada. // Below is another test shot with a polarizing filter. Hard to imagine that I went so long without one. You don't actually *need* one, but I certainly believe that it actually gives you so much more detail which can't be achieved in post production shooting without a filter.
Ilusad fotod nagu alati :)
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