Abiks olid seekord ringpolariseeriv filter ning gradientfilter. Tahtsingi peamiselt näha oma silmaga ringpolariseeriva filtri võlu. Paraku oli päike natuke ebasoodsa nurga all ning mõnes asukohas jäi seega täisefekt saavutamata. Gradientfiltri abil oli võimalik kasutada veidi aeglasemat säriaega ja see tekitas ärevust (tõenäoliselt varsti) saabuva ND filtri osas, mis laseb säriajaga veel rohkem mängida.
Some photos of Keila-Joa. All taken without the help of a tripod and needless to say, the SD card was mostly full of blurry shots 😛
This time I had some help from a polarizing filter and a gradient filter. My main goal was to see the polarizing filter in action, but unfortunately in some areas the Sun's position wasn't really ideal for the filter, so the full effect wasn't really achievable. Gradient filter allowed me to turn down the exposure time, which made me really excited for the ND filter that I ordered (should be arriving soon), so that I can play some more with exposure.
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