Canon AF35ML test roll

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vabandused, et ei postitanud varem nagu lubatud. Kui meenutada, siis eelmises sissekandes kirjutasin: "...kui kõik läheb plaanitult" - nagu arvata võib, siis ei läinud :)
Aga nüüd lõpp krüptilistele vihjetele, aeg selgitusteks. Niisiis. Sattusin suvel koos kursaõega Kalevi staadioni kirbukale ja lahkusin sealt (minu jaoks) põneva leiuga - Canon AF35ML fotoaparaadiga (maksis ~ 4 eurot). Klassikaline filmikaamera 1980ndate algusaastatest. Objektiiv 40mm f/1.9 ja kui ma ei eksi, siis peaks see olema üks esimesi autofookusega kaameraid. Kuigi kaamera on väga lärmakas (salaja pilti sellega ei tee), siis sellegipoolest oli lust temaga mängida. Esimene rull on alati testrull, mis oligi põhjuseks, miks ma viivitasin piltide üles panemisega - kaameraga olin rahul, kuid enda "fotosilmaga" kohe üldse mitte :(
Olgu märkuseks öeldud, et kvaliteet on fotodel väga hea (lihtsalt mu skänner oli veidi kehv). Lisaks jätsin sisse mõned fookusest väljas pildid ja ei korrigeerinud filmipuru.

Apologies for not posting as quickly as promised! In my last entry I wrote: "...and if everything goes as planned" - well, as you could already guess, it did not :)
But enough of giving cryptic hints, time to explain some things. So. This summer I went to a flea market that was held at Kalev Central Stadium. I left with an interesting find (at least for me) -  Canon AF35ML which is a classic film camera from the early 80s. Lens 40mm f/1.9 and if I'm not mistaken, it should be one of the first cameras with the autofocus feature. Although this camera is very noisy (you won't be taking any secret & silent shots), I still had fun playing with it. First roll is always a test roll, right? :) Well, that was actually the reason why I hesitated posting these photos - I was happy with Canon...but pretty disappointed with my "photographic eye" :(
Just a remark: the quality is great, it's just that my scanner wasn't high-tech enough. Also, I left in some out of focus shots and didn't eliminate film dust.

Image by webalice

Scorpions - Send me an angel

Saturday & Sunday

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pole kaua jälle "näinud"! Loodan sel nädalal veel ühe postitusega hakkama saada...aga seda juhul, kui kõik läheb planeeritult...:)
Kuna vahepeal on kooliga kiire olnud, pole see aeg eriti fotorohke olnud. Sel nädalavahetusel võtsin kaamera kätte ja käisin laupäeval Kadriorus ning pühapäeval vantsisin Glehni metsas. Eelnevatel aastatel olen praeguse magusa aja (värvidemäng ja langevad lehed) alati maha maganud, kuid sel korral üritan mitte nii laisk olla.

Long time no "see"! I hope to post next week as well...but that can only happen if everything goes as planned....:)
Since I've been busy with school, I haven't taken that many photos recently. This weekend I took my camera and went to Kadriorg park on Saturday and to Glehn's forest on Sunday. Last few years I've managed to miss taking photos in autumn but this time I try and be more productive.

EDIT: I had to re-upload all the images in .png format because for some reason the photos I previously uploaded had a great loss in their quality. No idea why that happened (some hidden Google auto compression-thing perhaps?). The photos are now much bigger in size but at least not as grainy looking as before.