Muuseumiöö 2014 // Long Night of Museums 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

This time we went to Tallinn TV Tower and to the nearby Tallinn Botanic Garden. We were allowed to be on the highest floor of the TV tower for about 25 minutes which is not a lot, but at the same time it was understandable because the queue was pretty long and only 100 people were allowed to go up at once (for safety/evacuation reasons).
And since spring's arrival has been slow, flowers in the botanic garden hadn't quite blossomed the gardens were not as exciting as in the summer.

Click to view last year's post

Sel korral käisime Tallinna teletornis ja botaanikaaias. Teletorni kõige kõrgemal korrusel oli lubatud viibida kokku ~25 minutit, millest jäi muidugi natuke väheks. Samas oli piirang arusaadav, sest järjekord oli pikk ja üles lubati vaid 100 inimest korraga (ohutusnõuete tõttu).
Kuna kevad on pikalt ja vaevaliselt saabunud, siis botaanikaaias polnud enamus taimi õide jõudnud puhkeda, seega suurem osa ilust jäi meil nägemata.

Eelmise aasta postitust saab näha siin

The fence (?) on the right looks super warped. At first I thought it to be a glitch that happened while stitching the panorama (6 images for this one) but in the original photos it looked exactly the same. glitch.

Taking photos inside wasn't that easy, the reflections were quite annoying.


You can see the ground through a glass in the floor:

 Not a huge fan of selfies, but since I wanted to have a photo of myself in the tower...

Ahead: Tallinn city centre

 Outside, "view" towards Lasnamäe :D

In the botanic garden.

A friend.

And now some photos I took couple of days ago in Pikakari.

Clouds create a strange cloned effect.

And this little guy likes to come and eat outside our window every day.  

Ricchi E Poveri - Acapulco