Rummu, Kuimetsa & Windows 10

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sel suvel sai viimaks käidud (2 korda) Rummu karjääris. Mõlemil korral oleme näinud põnevat rahvast ja nautinud head ujumist. Vesi läheb küll uskumatult kiirelt sügavaks (kõigest paari sammuga on vesi üle pea), seega sellega tuleb arvestada ja mitte oma oskusi üle hinnata. Majast/müürilt ma ise siiski ei hüppaks, sest enne tänavust suve polnud 6+ aastat vees käinud ja ujumisoskus on selle ajaga veidi rooste läinud. Tegelikult pole isegi tahtmist, sest teiste hulljulgust vaadata on ka täitsa piisav :)
August oli selline kuu, mis pakkus palju erinevaid emotsioone. Vahepeal oli päris raske aeg, kuid tänaseks on see õnneks möödas. Juulis-augustis olid ka tööotsingud ja septembris asun tööle uues ametis. Loodetavasti saan seal hakkama :)
Jamad olid ka arvutiga, mis oli üks põhjus, miks ma pilte väga ei teinud. Panin nimelt peale Windows 10, millega kaasnes hulgaliselt probleeme. Esmalt ei toiminud enam kõrvaklapid - ilma nendeta heli oli, kuid kõrvaklappidest ei tulnud midagi. Mässasin tükk aega, aga kuna viga oli ilmselt suhteliselt unikaalne, siis samm-sammulist abi kuskilt saada polnud. Seega, kui kellelgi on sama asi (kõrvaklappidest heli enam ei tule), siis kõigepealt tuleb uninstallida arvutil helidraiverid (minu puhul Delli läpakas ja Realtek draiverid) ning maha keerata My Computerist draiverite automaatne uuendamine. Vastasel juhul installib Windows uuesti vanad draiverid ja kogu probleem algab otsast peale. Peale selle oli palju muid nipet-näpet asju, mis tõrkusid ja viimaseks piisaks karikasse sai see, et Photoshop ei avanenud enam. Lightroomiga oli kõik korras, kuid Photoshop miskipärast jonnis. Sellest ma enam mööda vaadata ei saanud ja paar päeva tagasi lasin vana hea Windows 7 jälle peale.
I finally went to Rummu (2 times) this summer. Interesting people, good swim, nice weather. The water gets deep quickly (in just a couple of steps I'm completely under the water), so it's best to keep that in mind and not to over estimate yourself. I personally wouldn't jump into the water from the house/wall because until this summer I hadn't been in water for about 6+ I'm a bit rusty. But looking at other people being daredevils is also quite fun :)
August was a month full of all kinds of emotions. There were quite tough times which have fortunately passed. I was job searching in July-August and in September I'm starting a new job...hopefully everything goes well there :)
I was also having some trouble with my PC because I decided to install Windows 10. The biggest problem I had, was not being able to use headphones anymore. There was sound in the speakers but nothing came out of the headphones. Since the problem was quite unique, no-one had done a step-by-step guide on how to go about fixing that. If anyone else is having the same issue, here's what I did: first I uninstalled my sound drivers (Dell laptop, Realtek drivers), Windows installed its default ones to replace them, and then there was sound in the headphones. But for some reason Windows really wanted to re-install the Realtek drivers and that brought me back to step 1. So, I needed to uninstall those drivers again and then disable automatic driver update/install in My Computer. But the biggest thing that made me go back to Windows 7, was Photoshop. It just didn't start up anymore, although Lightroom was just fine. And that was also one of the reasons that held me back from taking/editing photos for a while. I think Win10 was okay...but there were too many problems and not really much that compensated for that. For instance, the start menu often stopped working. Maybe it had something to do with Internet connection...I really don't know, but if that was the case, I find it odd that Win10 was designed to always be online and not have full functionality when the Internet is down. But again, that's just a speculation. My laptop is pretty old and I realistically wasn't expecting everything to go smoothly with the installation.


Felix ja tulekustuti // Felix and the fire extinguisher

Mina korstna otsas // Me on top of the chimney

Loojang Nõmme sillal // Sunset in Nõmme

August & aed // August & garden

Monday, August 3, 2015

Veider lugu, aga tänavu pole nagu suve olnudki. Väga palavad ilmad pole mulle kunagi eriti istunud, kuid sel aastal pole õieti isegi sooja ilma olnud. Ilma jakita pole mul isiklikult välja asja olnud. Kahju, kahe kuu peale nädalakese päikest oleks võinud ikka olla. Hea on küll see, et tubaseid tegevusi ilm ei sega ja seega sai minu toas tapeet vahetatud. Omajagu aega võttis (liistud seinast, vana tapeet paneelini maha, kata nakkega, pahtelda 2x, kata nakkega ja siis uus tapeet seina...lõpuks mööbli ja asjade tagasipanek), aga tulemus on seda väärt. Nipet-näpet sai veel kõpitsetud ja nüüd näeb tuba palju värskem välja (viimane remont oli ~13 aastat tagasi).

Seekord puhas 1.8D postitus.
The summer hasn't been itself this year. I've never really enjoyed blazing hot weather...but this year it hasn't even been warm. I personally wouldn't step out without a jacket (or an umbrella). Pity, a sunny week or so in the past few months, would've been nice. Luckily the weather doesn't matter for indoor activities and so we installed new wallpaper in my room. It took some time (completely stripping the walls of old layers of wallpaper and doing prep work for the new one), but the result is absolutely worth it.

Fully 1.8D post.

 Võõras kiisu suvilas midagi jahtimas // Cat saw something in the bushes...
Sööst põõsastesse // Quick dash into the grass...
Jaht oli edukas, aeg imetleda // Prey got caught...
Ja nüüd aeg süüa // ...and eaten
Kuna kiisu tundus näljane, tõin talle pelmeene :D // Since she seemed hungry, I gave her some meat dumplings
Ja ka see maitses hea // And she seemed to enjoy these as well
Ka naabrite kass hiilis meie aias, aga tema eelistab omaette olla // The neighbour's cat was also in our garden again but she prefers being left alone