Today I started thinking about all my mistakes/strange eras I've gone through in photography during my time shooting thus far and thought of creating a list of them. I'm sure I'll be looking back at some of my current photos sometime in the future and thinking: "Oh wow, that's horrible" but then again, it's part of a learning/development process.
1. Kui ma peegelkaamera sain, siis hakkasin päris algusest manuaalrežiimis pildistama. Sellest sai küll hea harjumus, kuid esimesed paar aastat pildistasin seetõttu natuke tühja. Nimelt tegin kaamera funktsioonid endale selgeks vaid osaliselt ja üheks tõsisemaks veaks sai maastikufotode tegemine suurima apertuuriga. Häbi tunnistada ja ise ka ei tea, kuidas nii juhm olin, et ei mõistnud, et see oligi põhjus, miks säärased pildid kunagi eriti teravad polnud. Mõni selle nahka läinud fotodest kummitab siiani.
When I first got a DSLR, I developed a good habit of using it in manual mode but for that reason the first few years of shooting most of my photos didn't turn out that great. I didn't learn all the functions of the camera properly and as a result I shot landscape with the biggest aperture. Quite a shame and I'm not even sure how I couldn't realize that that was the reason why those photos were always blurry. Some of those "almost there...but not sharp enough" shots haunt me to this day.
Suure ava kasutamine toob kaasa ka intensiivsema chromatic aberrationi, mida vasakul on päris hästi näha. Seega lisaks ebateravusele oli fotodel ka see viga juures // Larger aperture also increases chromatic aberration which is pretty visible on the left in this photo
2. Valge tasakaal pidevalt "cloudy/pilvine". Endalegi müstika, miks see mind nii väga paelus. Pole just väga suur prohmakas (erinevalt eelmisest on see järeltöötluses põhimõtteliselt parandatav) ning õigel ajal õiges kohas kasutatuna on sellest ka kasu, kuid minu puhul oli see lihtsalt veider maitse/stiil, mis enamus fotosid lihtsalt veidi ära rikkus.
White balance always set to "cloudy". It's quite a mystery to me why I was so infatuated with that mode. It isn't that big of a mistake than the previous one (somewhat fixable in post production) and using it in the right time/way is sometimes useful, but in my case it was just a weird taste/style choice which slightly ruined some of my photos.
Sellised oranžid/soojad olid kunagi kõik mu fotod // All my photos used to look the same - warm&orange
3. Pisikesed fotod. Tegin (liiga) palju sarnaseid pilte ja seetõttu pidin resolutsiooni arvelt ruumi kokku hoidma. Kvantiteet oli kvaliteedist toona kahjuks olulisem. Samuti postitasin üliväikseid pilte, 600px oli vist suurim.
Photos in the smallest resolution. I took way too many similar shots of the same thing and for that reason I had to cut back on space. Unfortunately quantity over quality was more important to me back then. I also posted tiny photos, 600px being the largest in width.
4. Kaamera sisesätted. Üks jubedamaid asju, mis umbes poole aasta jagu pilte tuksi keeras, oli mu lollus kruttida kaamera saturation maksimaalse peale. Vaat seda ei jõua ära kiruda, sest isegi järeltöötluses oli seda kohati võimatu eemaldada. Kuna värvid olid üleküllastatuna üles pildistatud, siis originaali taastada polnud enam võimalik. Esialgne detailsus oli kadunud. Hea õppetund, et sellist nalja ei tasu teha.
Internal settings of the camera. One of the most dreadful things that I did, which resulted in ruining approximately 6 months worth of shots, was setting my camera to oversaturation. That was a very dumb mistake because even in post production it was nearly impossible to undo the damage. Since the photos were already shot overly saturated, there was no way to recover the original scene, detail of the colours was lost. That was a good learning experience that you shouldn't mess with those settings without thinking.
Otse kaamerast. Kohutav // Straight out of a camera. Horrible :(
5. Vintage everything. Fototöötluse prohmakas. Mingi periood möödus ainult "add layer: "sinine", layer mode: exclusion" stiilis. Circa 2006-2007, mil selline töötlus oli suhteliselt levinud. Iseenesest pole sel ju (olenevalt pildist) väga viga, aga kuna see muutus juba nö konveiertöötluseks, siis lõpptulemus jäi üksluiseks. Vähemalt selline on minu arvamus.
Vintage everything. A blunder in photo editing. Circa 2006-2007 was a time when all I did was "add layer: blue -> layer mode: exclusion". Back then it was quite a popular style. It might look nice sometimes, but when every single photo has the same look, it becomes quite boring. Or at least that is my personal opinion.
Kindlasti olen veel paljude asjadega ämbrisse astunud, kuid päris kõigel ei jõua lähemalt peatuda. Hetkel tõin välja need, mis mul endal kõige eredamalt meeles on.
I'm certain there are more things to add to this list but that would take forever :D. Here I just named a few prominent ones that came to mind first.
Falco - Der Kommissar
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