Sunday and Helena

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wow. That day was a dream. Seriously. I’m still speechless. I really think we took a lot of gorgeous photos that day. She has never been a “stiff-poser”, meaning that I took shots of her while we were talking, walking etc. So these photos of her are natural, no fake modeling involved.
I’m not going to post every fantastic photo I took of Helena, because that would be a tad too much :D
But I am going to upload some of my faves. I had a very hard time choosing them, though…so plenty to choose from.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering - she’s quite tall, like a real model :)

Oldie b&w. Wearing my sunglasses, her high school ring and leaning on a railing.

The stairs. I’m not going into detail about getting this shot, but I must say…it wasn’t the most comfortable position for me :D

Posing in this one :D Something in ANTM style. But still a great photo ;P

Sitting on a bench. It was a bit over exposed due to the Sun.

Standing on the roots of a pine tree. Leaving behind the hill of Nõmme. Also holding a leaf.

On a ski jumping tower. I don’t know why I like this shot so much. I just do :D


Anyways! I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing my latest creations and see you next time ;P

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