Esmalt siis Pecherska Lavra, kus on kirikud ja usuhooned. Suure kaameraga pildistamise eest tuleb maksta ning summa ei olnudki kõige odavam, kui ei eksi, siis 200 UAH (6,47 EUR) pluss sissepääs 30 UAH. Kui on soov telefoniga pildistada, siis see on tasuta. Igal juhul on pildistamine keelatud aga hoonete sees, kuid nägin paljusid, kes sellest keelust siiski üle astusid. Teist korda enam sellist summat ei maksaks ning jääks samuti telefoni peale. Samas ei kontrollinud alas keegi, kas olen kaamera kasutamise eest pileti ostnud, seega ilmselt loodetakse inimeste aususele või siis juhtus olema see päev, kus jäin turvameestele märkamatuks.
Ala sees on osadel väiksematel muuseumitel oma piletid, mille eest tuleb eraldi tasuda. Hindadega on võimalik tutvuda ka nende kodulehel.
Üheks tasuta kohaks on koopad, kus on klaaskirstude sees erinevad mumifitseeritud pühakud/mungad. Koobastes on palju inimesi ning on kitsas ja palav, seega tõsistel klaustrofoobikutel tasub enne sisenemist asja veidi kaaluda. Enda kogemuse järgi oli see siiski talutav.
Arvestada tuleb ka sellega, et naisi ilma peakatte ja pika seelikuta sinna ei lubata. Pikad püksid ei ole samuti sobilikud. Kui on soov seda kohta külastada, siis sissepääsude juures on tasuta laenutamiseks pikad hõlmikseelikud. Koobastes oli palju tõsiusklikke, kes pühakute kirste suudlesid ning palvetasid. Võrdlemisi huvitav vaatepilt, seda eriti usuleigetele eestlastele. Pühakud ise on kaetud ning vaid mõnel on riiete peal näha kuivanud ploomi tekstuuriga käsi. Väiksemate/kartlikemate lastega külastajad ilmselt jätaks selle koha vahele.
Sightseeing in Kiev continues. Current images are not in chronological order, but they still fit together for a post.
First we have the Pecherska Lavra that is basically an old monastery, filled with religion and churches. Using a camera costs you 200 UAH (6,47 EUR), plus the entry fee which is 30 UAH. Taking photos with your phone is free. Although neither is allowed inside the buildings, there were many people who still took photos inside. Looking back, I wouldn't pay that much again and I'd just stick to my phone. Surprisingly no one ever asked to see my ticket for using the camera, so I guess they're relying on the honesty of people or maybe I just didn't catch the attention of security guards.
There are smaller museums and buildings with separate entry fees, you can read more about them on their website.
The caves where the mummified saints/monks are buried in glass coffins, were free. There were many people, the space was quite tight and it got quite hot as well, so if you are severely claustrophobic, you'd might think twice before entering. Personally I found it to be tolerable.
Women are also not allowed in without a head scarf and a long skirt. Long trousers are not acceptable as well. Fortunately there are free skirts you can lend, which tie around like a big apron. There are many seriously religious people in the caves that pray and kiss the coffins. That should be quite a sight for any religion-free person. The saints are mostly covered under some garments, only some have their dried plum-looking hand visible. Visitors with very small children should maybe skip that area.
Vaade avaneb ka Emake-Ukraina monumendile, kuhu pärast jalutasime.
View towards Motherland Ukraine monument where we went after the monastery.
Ja siin ta on, võrreldes eelneva pildiga ei arvaks, et tegemist oli sama päevaga, aga peale sombust hommikut, tuli lõpuks ka päike välja. Veel üks protip, ärge lähenege kujule jõe poolt - teid ootavad trepid, trepid ja veel kord trepid. Teiselt poolt (kus asub ka Pecherska Lavra sissepääs) tulla on palju inimlikum. Kuju on vaid üks osa suuremast memoriaalist, samal alal on lipuvärvides tank ja paljud teised sõjateemalised kujud/bareljeefid. Lisaks peaks seal olema muuseum, mida meie siiski ei külastanud.
And here she is! Compared to the previous image, you wouldn't say it's the same day but fortunately a gloomy morning turned into a sunny day. Another protip, don't approach the statue from the riverside, your feet will be dead from all the stairs. Much nicer entry is on the other side, where the entry to Pecherska Lavra is too. The statue is just one part of a bigger memorial, there are also tanks, war machinery and statues of soldiers and the people of Ukraine. I believe there is also a (history) museum nearby, but we skipped that.
See kiisu asub kuldse värava juures. Loomulikult igaks juhuks 2 pilti.
This kitty is right next to the Golden Gate. 2 photos, naturally.
Kuldne värav ise. Sisse on samuti võimalik minna, kuid ka selle jätsime vahele.
Golden Gate. You can buy a ticket to go inside, but we skipped this one as well.
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